Sunday, June 1, 2008

Abdullah's economical economy.

Abdullah has once again shown his prowess in economy, that is be, save, save!

Save energy, save envelopes, save water, something which he learned during his recent trip to Japan. The government is going to increase prices of commodities, so the rakyat is going to learn how to be "efficient and productive" by "ubah gaya hidup", buy during "offers" and "sales" and SAVE!!!

Plant your own vegetables and flowers in whatever small piece of land you can find in your terrace house, or even apartment. In this way you can beat inflation and bring some oxygen and fresh air into your living environment. Better still if you live in the much land around you. Your excretion will not go to waste, too. Be productive, and creative. Use it as manure. This will surely brighten up your day. Fresh organic food everyday. Good for your health, as well. Kids can learn first hand about farming and worms and butterflies. Natural ecology in your own backyard. Hey, that's science!

As for saving energy, "pull the heavy drapes so that the sun can light up the room instead of having the lights on." Can one day even save on curtains. Less maintenance. Less wear and tear on light bulbs. Better still work in the padang, the air and sun is good for you. Nowadays people do not exercise and they eat too much. By working out in the sun, except on raining days, they will have the incentive to do a bit of exercise. Too many people are obese nowadays, statistics show. People should eat less, especially nowadays food is getting very expensive. Look at the price of rice!!! It has doubled in recent months, that is 100% inflation. By eating half the amount of rice you used to eat, you actually bring down inflation to 0%!!! Wow!! Isn't this great?! The plus is you get your health back!!

When the government increase petrol price ultimately, through disguised means of providing 2 different grades of petrol (one for the poorer, the other for the super rich), take a bus to work, car pooling, in KL and PJ, use LRT or the best is still walk to work. There won't be "too much difficulties" for the rakyat in taking such simple steps. Change your job so that you don't have to travel far. The government is still thinking how to improve the bus transport system after 50 years in power. Maybe the rakyat can provide some ideas on how to improve?

Ah, yes there is this "quality control circle (QCC)" which the government "introduced some years ago to increase efficiency and productivity". What happenned to it? That is a very good programme. Revive it. Can save envelopes and trees.

The rakyat can throw more ideas at us. We don't know what to do already. "Any suggestions could be channelled to the heads of department, who would forward it to Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan." As PM he won't have time to read. Too tiring. When you grow older you will know that you need many hours of sleep to replenish. When a person sleep, all lights can be turned off. You close your eyes when you sleep you know? Sleeping without any light decreases chances of short-sightedness and it saves energy.

Monday June 2, 2008 MYT 1:16:36 PM

Don't compromise efficiency, productivity, says PM


PUTRAJAYA: Efficiency and productivity must never be compromised although steps have to be taken to ensure resources are better managed and used prudently, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said.

The Prime Minister told civil servants while it was necessary for them to use energy and water efficiently in the office in the wake of rising costs, taking prudent measures should not affect their work performance.

"I am advising civil servants to be more careful in using resources. For instance if the room has fewer people, switch on the air-conditioner at necessary areas only. Pull the heavy drapes so that the sun can light up the room instead of having the lights on.

"We need to be wise in using resources like energy and water. We must avoid wastage but maintain good efficiency levels by implementing best practices," he told staff of the Prime Minister's department Monday at their monthly gathering.

The Prime Minister cited an example where in Japan, only the room that was being occupied would be lit up as cost and energy saving measures and even the smallest patch of green in one's compound would be planted with flowers and vegetables.

Abdullah suggested that the quality control circle - a programme introduced some years ago to increase efficiency and productivity, be "revived" at government offices to ensure prudent use of resources.

"A lot of offices practised the QCC and it has proven to be successful. We should also use it in government offices as it will encourage us to use resources and materials - from energy to envelopes - wisely and effectively," he said.

He added that civil servants should also come up with ideas and views on how the Government could tackle the issue of high subsidy, adding it would be a problem to the Government if operating cost continued to escalate.

"It is not a problem now but if we don't take measures to reduce (costs), then it will become a problem. We already have some ideas being thrown to us but I would also like to hear from civil servants," he said, adding that the suggestions could be channelled to the heads of department, who would forward it to Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan.

The Prime Minister also reiterated the Government's commitment to ensuring the rakyat would not experience "too much difficulties" despite efforts to re-structure subsidy and the constant increase in the global prices of goods and fuel.

He said the Government was taking proactive measures in tackling the issue, including collaborating with Japan to increase food production by using the back methods and technology.

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