Friday, May 23, 2008

Sheesh, they still don’t seem to get it

Sheesh, they still don’t seem to get it
23 May, 2008

Yes, Umno is suffering from an acute case of Acquired Intense Denial Syndrome. They somehow believe that the Malays have lost political power. The fact that this time around there are 121 Malay Members of Parliament as opposed to only 120 in 2004 seems to have escaped them.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Early last week, Umno held a meeting to discuss two issues that appear to be haunting those who walk in the corridors of power. The first issue is whether Anwar Ibrahim really does have 30 or 40 Barisan Nasional Members of Parliament with him, waiting to cross over to Pakatan Rakyat. The second issue is whether Raja Petra Kamarudin really does have the evidence to link Deputy Prime Minister Rosmah Mansor and her husband, Najib Tun Razak, to the Altantuya murder.

The conclusion of the Umno committee that met to discuss these two issues is ‘no’ to both. Anwar does not have 30 or 40 Barisan Nasional Members of Parliament with him, waiting to cross over, and neither does Raja Petra Kamarudin have the evidence to link Deputy Prime Minister Rosmah Mansor and her husband, Najib Tun Razak, to the Altantuya murder.

This prognosis is not surprising considering that Umno and Barisan Nasional are suffering from a bad case of Acquired Intense Denial Syndrome, or AIDS for short. This disease was acquired in the aftermath of Barisan Nasional’s historic win in the March 2004 general election and became more intense during the subsequent Parliament sessions when Umno Members of Parliament told the Chinese and Indians to go back to China or India or from whichever hole they crawled out from.

The disease reached its peak during the PPP state convention in Melaka when Ali Rustam told the assembly of 1,000 or so Indians that Umno has ruled Malaysia for 50 years and it can rule for another 50 without the support of the other races. In fact, said Ali of the 40 thieves, Umno does not even need Sabah and Sarawak to stay in power.

My Welsh mother from Cardiff used to call that ‘famous last words’. Barisan Nasional has only 140 seats in Parliament and 54 are from Sabah and Sarawak. Without Sabah and Sarawak, Barisan Nasional would have only 86 seats in Parliament while Umno would be reduced to 64 seats. Against Pakatan Rakyat’s 82, Umno would be sent into the political wilderness.

Make no bones about it. Umno cannot form the government without Sabah and Sarawak plus the Indians and Chinese from Peninsular Malaysia. So Ali and his bunch of 40 Umno Supreme Council Members, a.k.a the 40 thieves, have been proven wrong. Is not the English saying that this is the pride before the fall? Nevertheless, Umno does not appear to see itself as falling and it is still as proud as ever, or rather arrogant. But then arrogance is the classic symptom of Acquired Intense Denial Syndrome, or AIDS. And just like the other form of AIDS, Acquired Intense Denial Syndrome is also incurable, or so it seems in Umno’s case.

Since 8 March 2008, Umno has been holding rallies, seminars and conventions all over Malaysia. I personally attended some of them and even brought my Indian and Chinese friends along so that they could witness for themselves what is being said at these events.

The Malays have lost political power. The Malay states have fallen into Chinese hands. It was a big mistake giving citizenship to the Indians and Chinese back in 1957. The Indians and Chinese are ungrateful and no longer support the government. This happened once before in 1969 and Umno ‘solved it’ by triggering the May 13 race riots. Kuala Lumpur was kicked out of Selangor and turned into the federal capital so that Selangor can remain a Malay state even if Kuala Lumpur falls into Chinese hands. Umno created Shah Alam as a ‘Malay city’ so that the Chinese and Indian population in the state can be ‘diluted’ whereby the Malays can retain power in Selangor.

I watched the faces of the Indians and Chinese in the assembly as they shook their heads in disbelief that the Umno Malays would utter statements that are not only provoking, downright racist, but a breach of Malaysia’s infamous Sedition Act as well. Of course, no police officer made a police report, as what happened in my case, and no computers were confiscated nor was anyone charged for sedition. But this is not because they were not seditious. It is because those who uttered these seditious statements are Umno Malays and Umno Malays are above the law.

Yes, Umno is suffering from an acute case of Acquired Intense Denial Syndrome. They somehow believe that the Malays have lost political power. The fact that this time around there are 121 Malay Members of Parliament as opposed to only 120 in 2004 seems to have escaped them. And the fact that the Malays voted for the Indians and Chinese even though they contested under the DAP banner, plus the fact that Barisan Nasional is in power because of the Indians, Chinese, Kadazans, Dayaks, Ibans, etc., also seems to have escaped them.

Did the Umno people not see the Indians from Hindraf wearing PAS T-shirts and carrying PAS flags in a Chinese temple in Port Kelang while shouting ‘Allah Akbar’ during the DAP ceramah? Did the Umno people not see the Malays from Kampong Raja Uda in Port Kelang vote for an Indian Member of Parliament and a Chinese State Assemblyman, both from DAP, when since Merdeka of 51 years ago they had always voted Barisan Nasisonal (and the Alliance Party before that)? Did the Umno people not see the God of Money statue in Kuala Kedah hold a PKR flag in one hand and a PAS flag in the other when this temple had been a MCA stronghold since Merdeka of 51 years ago? Did the Umno people not see the Malays in Kampong Baru open the doors of their houses so that the Hindraf Indians who were being chased by the police after being tear-gassed could seek refuge? Did the Umno people not see the PAS Malays drag the Indians and Chinese blinded by tear-gas into the Jamik Mosque so that they could escape retaliation from the police during the 10 November 2007 Bersih march?

No, this is not about the Chinese and Indians voting opposition to kick the Malays out. It was also not about the Chinese and Indians ganging up on the Malays. It was about the Malays, Chinese and Indians uniting under the umbrella of People’s Power. The Indians call it Makkal Sakhti. The Malays call it Suara Rakyat, Suara Keramat. In English that means the people’s voice is a sacred voice. And from that was born People’s Power or Makhal Sakhti.

Phew, I really have digressed. Anyway, back to the Umno meeting of early last week to discuss whether Anwar really does have 30 or 40 Barisan Nasional Members of Parliament with him, waiting to cross over, and whether Raja Petra really does have the evidence to link Deputy Prime Minister Rosmah Mansor and her cockled husband, Najib, to the Altantuya murder. The answer, according to Umno, is ‘no’ to both because, according to Umno, if Anwar did, then they would have crossed over by now, and, if Raja Petra did, he would have revealed the evidence during the March 2008 general election.

Wow! Such wisdom. How can we defeat Umno when they have great analytical skills? The answer is so easy. I am surprised no one else in Malaysia came to that same conclusion. I suppose we will know by September whether Anwar really does have 30 or 40 Barisan Nasional Members of Parliament with him and we will know by October whether Raja Petra really does have the evidence to link Deputy Prime Minister Rosmah Mansor and her faithful husband to the Altantuya murder.

But that is not the issue, really. Whether the answer is ‘yes’ or ‘no’ is not really what tickles me here. What does tickle me is the fact that they needed to hold a meeting to discuss these two issues. If there is no way in hell that Anwar has 30 or 40 Barisan Nasional Members of Parliament with him, waiting to cross over, then why the need to even hold a meeting to discuss the matter? You only need to consider it or discuss it if there is such a probability. And if there is no way in hell that Deputy Prime Minister Rosmah Mansor and her husband are linked to the Altantuya murder that would mean no such evidence exists (since it did not happen). So why the need to discuss it and to debate as to whether Raja Petra is playing poker or he really does have the evidence? The meeting was called not to discuss whether such evidence exists but whether Raja Petra has that evidence in his possession.

Hmm….this means it does exist. Gotcha!

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