Saturday, May 31, 2008

Enhancing sexual health

Enhancing sexual health

Yam Cher Seng

Dec 28, 2007

EVERYONE experiences low sexual drive and other sexual problems at some point in their lives.

This may be due to illnesses, surgery, injury, fatigue and stress. Those with high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol are at higher risk of developing sexual problems. These conditions may affect blood flow to the sexual organs and nerve functions. Ageing may also affect sexual health in women as many complain of vaginal dryness and lack of libido especially after menopause.

Those who are younger may experience sexual problems due to stress and fatigue. A heavy workload and long hours may affect a person's behaviour and mood towards sex. Other problems faced by younger people involve finances, poor health and relationship with others.

Balancing your life is important to ensure a healthy sex life and ultimately, a healthy relationship with your partner. Healthy eating and regular exercises are advised. It is not as easy to put this into practice but it may help your health overall, including sexual health.

Many people opt for vitamin Bs to sustain energy levels and to cope in times of stress. Others go for herbal remedies. A combination of herbs such as horny goat weed, ginkgo, ginseng, withania, muira puama, puncture vine and damiana may be of benefit.

Withania and ginseng are adaptogens which help one cope with stress. In addition, ginseng increases the nitric oxide level, helpful for erectile dysfunction. Ginkgo has been traditionally used to promote blood flow. The herb relaxes the artery walls, allowing more blood flow to the penis. Horny goat weed has testosterone-like effects, stimulating sexual desire and sensory nerves.

Damiana stimulates the natural desire for sex. Muira Puama increases libido and helps in hormone production. It also helps to maintain an erection. Puncture vine raises the amount of luteinising hormone, leading to increased testosterone levels in men.

A combination of these herbs increases the production of the hormones dopamine and serotonin by the pituitary gland. The adrenal gland produces lower amounts of cortisol and higher DHEA. This leads to higher stamina and energy levels. In addition, these herbs are able to relax muscles, thus improving blood flow.

According to Dr Ismail Tamby, an andrologist or specialist in sexual and reproductive health medicine who conducted a study on 50 people from all walks of life using these herbs, all of them had positive effects not only in sexual health, but also in physical and mental health.

"The participants saw changes in their body, improved health, better immune system and higher energy levels. This is what this food supplement does. It adapts to improve function and processes and gives a lot of benefits," said Dr Tamby.

The writer is a pharmacist who is actively involved in the dissemination of information on natural healthcare and holistic therapies.

This article was first published in The New Straits Times on Dec 24, 2007.


  1. Absolute Sex, Absolute Love, Absolute Life. All these are one, inseparable.

    Thanks for the blog.

    Towards a More Healthy Malaysia.

    Malaysia Boleh.

    IKLAN MALAYSIA wishing all Selamat Berpuasa.

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