Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Dr M: BN should take Anwar threat seriously

Dr M: BN should take Anwar threat seriously
PUTRAJAYA, May 7 — Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said the Barisan Nasional government should take the threat posed by Parti Keadilan Rakyat de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim seriously.

Anwar has claimed that Pakatan Rakyat, now an Opposition alliance, will form the next federal government in the near future as it has convinced enough BN MPs to cross over. BN has 140 MPs in the Dewan Rakyat to Pakatan Rakyat's 82. A switch of allegiance by 30 in the BN camp will topple the present government.

"Well, I think it is a possibility that you can't dismiss lightly. Now, these politicians are interested in how much they get, they are not interested really in serving the nation," Dr Mahathir said today.

"People who feel that they did not get what they wanted presently and they are offered positions ... I feel very strong (about it), it can really happen. I first wanted to dismiss this possiblity but on studying the situation I feel that there is great danger. Of course, if this government loses power, it will not be in a position to dole out all kinds of goodies because at that time the clout is gone."

He was speaking to reporters after delivering the keynote address at the 7th Perdana Discourse Series at the Perdana Leadership Foundation in Putrajaya

Dr Mahathir sees "a lot of conflicts" if the change in government took place.

"We see the response of the Malays, for example. They have come up with a list of demands for this and that in response to the demands made by the others. They think that the solution is to abandon this concept of democracy, that they should go back to the feudal style of government," he said.

"There is already talk among them...I don't know how serious it is but the fact that it is being actually voiced is very disturbing."

While he didn't foresee anarchy, he felt that instability will prevent the government "in attending to the progress of the country."

On where the Opposition would obtain the 30 MPs, the former Prime Minister pointed to Sabah and Sarawak. "If we take Umno, MCA and MIC, they have their roots here (in the peninsula) but not in Sabah and Sarawak. Although you have Umno in Sabah, it is transplanted from here to there. They are used to smaller parties. So can we be sure that they will remain strongly loyal to Umno? I don't think so."

He said even in the peninsula, there could be MPs who could cross over since they knew that they could be in the new government.

Dr Mahathir said this crossover would not a problem if BN had won by a two-third majority in Parliament. "But now if they crossed over, they could be joining another government, they will not lose, in fact they can make money."

He said that Pakatan Rakyat was a force to be reckoned with not because it was strong or the people loved the Opposition but because of "the feeling of disappointment." — Bernama

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