Thursday, April 24, 2008

Malaysians regardless of race will always be second-class citizens

Malaysians regardless of race will always be second-class citizens
24 April, 2008

Malaysia is certainly a colorful country. Where else can you find politicians that put party and self-interest above everything else?

The recent appointment of Lee Kah Choon by the state government in Penang have cause all kinds of reactions by the BN. Many including Koh Tsu Koon and Badawi have called for a show cause letter to be issue to Lee Kah Choon.

However, if Lim Guan Eng sincerely believes that Lee is the best person for the job, then so be it. More importantly, if Lee is really sincere in serving the people above anything else, then all the better. And Lee has quit all post in Gerakan. So that makes him a free man to accept this appointment. So, what is the problem?

As such, the reaction by Tsu Koon and Badawi is really uncalled for. It clearly demonstrates the negative mindset that they have. They have clearly showed that, to them, it is the party that comes first. To these fools, the best person for a particular job is not important, but our own people is more important. The people can come second, no problem. No wonder BN did so badly in the last GE.

And why are our ministers, especially those from BN always say something stupid when posed with questions? Badawi has said that the reforms for the Judiciary and the ACA are not aimed to win back support. He further said that if he had announced this before the elections, critics would say that he was doing it to win votes, and if he did not after the elections, they would say he has forgotten. “I do not forget my promises. I will attend to them when the time comes”, he said after his keynote address at the Asean Integrity Dialogue. Badawi added that these reforms are part of his 2004 election manifesto, but he has not been able to carry them out because of other pressing matters.

What! What other pressing matters? Is the Judiciary, with corrupted judges that do not write judgments not important enough? Is the corrupted ACA, which look the other way while millions of tax payers money being squandered away not important enough? So what is so important these last four years? Sleeping and dreaming about all the multi billion corridors? Getting married again and going for a honeymoon on taxpayer’s money is more important? What about buying a luxury airliner or a yacht? Slaughtering cows for a kenduri at parliament grounds is more important? Come on lah!

This stupid fellow goes on to say that, “We just can’t undertake reform for the sake of reform. There must be a certain objective … or it will not mean anything.” Isn’t getting rid of this massive corruption in the Judiciary and the ACA not an important objective? Does this mean that all the rhetoric in 2004 about a clean government and fighting corruption has no objective for it is just reform for the sake of reform? So, it takes 4 years for Badawi to finally find his reform objectives. And could it take another 4 years or more now to implement these reforms?

How is it that this Badawi, who speaks like a moronic kid get to be the PM? Maybe he should sack all his speechwriters and advisors for he is making a fool for himself. And with statements like these, not only from Badawi but most of his cabinet ministers, they deserve what is coming.

Umno and BN as a whole can have a thousand and one post mortem on its disastrous performance in the last GE, but they will never understand the fundamental reason for their dismal results. They are in denial mode and they will give another thousand and one reasons but eventually, no one will stand up to admit his or her mistakes that have contributed for this poor performance, be it in statements or actions. Umno and BN are heading for a self-destruct mode for individuals are not willing to step forward to shoulder some blame.

Can you imagine Hishamuddin coming forward and say, “ I’m sorry I have offended most non-malay by waving the keris. I meant no disrespect and I offer my sincere apologies. I know many have opted to vote for the opposition because of my antics and I may have gone over board and I promise this will not be repeated. We Malaysian are one and we should stand as one.” WOW! Well he may be sacked at worst but at least he will be respected. And then, Hishamuddin might as well apply for membership in Pakatan Rakyat!

Even Nazri could redeem his arrogance. Come on Nazri, come forward and say, “Dear Malaysians, I know I have behaved like a gangster in Parliament by shouting, “ kalau tak suka, keluar!” but at that spur of the moment, my worse got the better of me. My apologies to all for statements that are uncalled for and I know I have to shoulder some blame for BN’s poor performance during the last election. As a Malaysian, I realize that I cannot ask another Malaysian to just get out, just because of a debate in Parliament. I ‘m humbly sorry.” WOW again! Kudos Nazri!

Then Najib could chip in and say, “ Sorry la! Cari makan saje. My commission only 10 percent what? Not much actually but you know la, my wife shop like got no tomorrow. Today Europe, tomorrow US. Minister pay not enough la! Oh that Mongolian, well what can I say? See her once or twice but only business. What C4? No, I don’t have any now. You need some? Call me tomorrow lah! And sorry lah, my image not that good and we lost a little in the last GE. I know I have too much bad baggage and I promise I will shed some ok?” DOUBLE WOW! Straight to lock-up Najib!

Well then, on to Samy oh Samy! No need to say anything lah! We all know what a thug you are but at least you already out. But why do you still hold on to the MIC presidency? We the people actually would like to see your head on the table for all the corruption while you are the works minister. Jangan main main!

Ong Ka Ting, you can deny a minister post or any other government post, but the fact remains is that you are just a corrupt bastard. You can harp on issues related to the Chinese when it suits you, but that is not what Malaysians want. Your MCA is corrupted all the way to the ground. What the people need are ministers who can serve the people regardless of race. So just come forward and say, “ Soli lah! I tau kita juga ada sikit salah jadi kita kalah teruk mah. I punya orang sudah banyak makan duit so I minta soli. I boleh minta adik saya jaga-jaga sekalang. Manyak soli ah!” No WOW for this idiot. Will the reformed ACA look into this, or the whole MCA for that matter?

Khairy, Khairy! You arrogant son in law of the stupid PM. Where are you now? You know very well you have contributed much to the results in the last GE. Your antics mimics a retarded monkey. Your speech mimics a retarded monkey, which can talk. What more can I say? However you too can come clean by declaring, “ My fellow Malaysians. It has been a shock that BN did not retain its two third majority plus the losing of five states to the opposition. I realize I have been too arrogant and as such, many have voted for the opposition. I wish to clarify here that my arrogance breeds from my years in Oxford. Hence, I should not be faulted with what have been indoctrinated in me. If there is anyone to be blame for my arrogance, then it must be the Brits in Oxford. Well, ECM Libra is just another business deal. Of course I use my position as the son in law of a stupid PM to strive for a better Malaysia, but more importantly, this opens endless opportunities for me gain personal wealth. Now, don’t blame me for the election results. You can sue Oxford for that!” Khairy, the infamous son in law, of the infamous most stupid PM in Malaysian history.

And finally, if only Badawi will shoulder some blame and declare to all Malaysians that it is because of his weak leadership that caused this tsunami, than he might have a little hope. But then again, we are talking about Badawi, so don’t expect something intelligent from him. “Dah kalah, apa nak di buat? Jangan bagi kerjasama kat dia orang la! Siapa nak kerja sama dia orang, jahanam dia. Balik tidur, penat la nak fikir!”

So it is not surprising that Umno or BN fared so badly in the last GE. What we have for the last 4 years in government are clowns and court jesters. These are the people who put themselves and their party above the people and yet, there are there because of the people. Criticism is not welcomed however constructive they may be. Parliament sittings have become a ruckus. Shouting match is not uncommon and most of the time, it is the Umno or BN members who start this, after a failure to answer questions posed by the opposition.

Choice of words, racists remarks or even sexist remarks are uttered without thinking of the consequences. And elected representatives who should be deliberating the welfare of the people utter all this, while ignoring the welfare of the people. It seems that the parliament is a setting for these egoistic politician to wrest and secure their political future rather than the welfare of the people.

How can Malaysia, a country rich in resources move forward when our elected representatives are moving backward? Singapore, with no natural resources is so far ahead that it will take years to be on par with them, if they stand still! Why? Simply because they have highly educated people in the government brain storming everyday trying to figure out how to bring their nation into the next millennium.

In contrast, we have educated ministers, meeting everyday figuring how to enrich their own party or themselves. Or figuring how much of the cake should go to who and who. The bottom line is simple enough. In Malaysia, as long as Umno or BN is ruling, then Malaysians regardless of race will always be second-class citizens. The first class citizens are those in BN. Period!

Go to Singapore. Asks any Singaporean, Malay, Chinese, Indians or others and they always proudly proclaimed they are Singaporean above anything else. Look, Singapore are just as multi racial as Malaysia and yet they always find a common ground to unite. And most importantly, that common ground is being a Singaporean and they are proud of it.

Why you may ask? It is because simply, in Singapore, quality is more important than quantity. Regardless of your ethnicity, the best person for a specific job will be hired. Whereas in Malaysia, the best person will most likely end up in another country and the second best or even the third best will be offered the job. Sounds familiar?

If it is the Singapore path that the Penang, Perak , Kedah and Selangor state government is trying to follow suit, then I am sure that these states can only move forward, provided they encounter no hindrance from federal. But then, if at federal level, those in power goes the opposite direction, then god bless, but miracles do happen!

Kenneth Wong

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