Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Help Malaysians before helping Sufiah

Thursday April 17, 2008

Help Malaysians before helping Sufiah

(The Star)MUCH has been said about the mission to save Sufiah Yusof but many Malaysians think that she is not suffering at all and thus Malaysian leaders should put their priorities right, especially for any mission which involves our money.

I am not an ex-prodigy forced into prostitution but if the Malaysian Government is planning to embark on a mission to save a British subject who doesn't even care if Malaysia sinks or floats, please consider helping me first.

I am a Malaysian who genuinely loves my country very much and has been diligently instilling patriotism in my children. For us, Negaraku is not merely a national anthem but is our pride.

I am a true and thoroughbred citizen of Malaysia who is much more desperate than Sufiah. Please save my children's faith. Please save them from self-pity and trauma before our leaders decide to use Malaysian funds and resources to save one British citizen who is more than happy with the kind of life she has gladly chosen.

I am a 41-year-old mother of three young children aged between seven and 10 who is struggling to live amid a mountain of debt due to several setbacks and business failures.

My husband resigned from a bank out of frustration and joined a friend's business which has not worked out as planned. We later set up a business partnership and my husband attempted to run the business which we both hoped could provide a foundation to our children's future.

However, it failed miserably. For two years, we practically survived on my income as I still have a full time job. But that doesn't help much.

Existing financial obligations soon got out of hand. Things got worse with new debts that accumulated and snowballed at super speed. In a blink, we found ourselves drowning in real serious debt.

I am still helplessly struggling to keep my sanity while putting up with the intimidating debt collection agents whose antics are at times as annoying and scary as that of the Ah Long.

As I am soft and timid, it affects my health and work but there is nothing much I can do.

We have not been attending relatives’ kenduri for quite some time and neither did we celebrate the eve or first day of Hari Raya at our respective hometowns. Only our mothers and siblings know the real reason and have done their best to help.

I seriously wish to pay every single sen I owe but I don't have the money. Nothing I say would satisfy the bank officers/debt collectors/ agents who are driving me crazy with their intimidation and ridicule. Even the AKPK have been unable to help at this juncture. I am really stuck.

At least Sufiah is living free from stress and harassment. But there are needy and desperate citizens in this country who never chose to fall in a rut, and they desperately need rescue. Please help us get back on our feet. Let charity begin at home.


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