Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Comments on Article Titled "Are Chinese and Indian Merely Hedging?"

Comments on Article Titled "Are Chinese and Indian Merely Hedging?"

Dear Raja Petra,

I would very much like to express my view over the issues of Social Contract and unhappiness among Chinese and Indian over the implementation of New Economic Policy.

I believe most of Chinese and Indian will agree with me that they do resent at all the monarchy system in this nation and in fact, we pledge our loyalty to Yang Dipertuan Agong, being the head and most respected leader of Malaysia. We feel nothing wrong with the Social Contract. And, off course, with aim of eliminating poverty among the rural Malays, we were also supportive of New Economic Policy at the very initial stage, which, according to general opinions, would sustain peaceful environment in this country since it has been widely accepted that poor, helpless and jobless groups would cause social illness.

However, the implementation of New Economic Policy has unhealthily transformed into the following:-

  • Chinese and Indian are both exploited from education opportunities at tertiary level at public universities, and, private universities are too few to absorb those intending to study;

  • Public sector is almost totally dominated by only Malays, leaving only private sector, and, worse still, Ministry came out with guideline to restrict recruitment of Chinese and Indian at executive level in multinational corporations;

  • Whilst, in business sector, there are so many fields that Chinese and Indian entrepreneurs are totally barred from. Not to mention to many, logistic - freight and forwarding service, petrol kiosks etc.;

  • In professional fields, foreign medical degrees which are recognized worldwide, particularly British Medical Council, are disrecognized and treated as substandard to local universities' certificates. Holders of law degrees from non-local universities are asked to sit for over-tough CLP exams which carry extremely low passing rate. And, to operate an audit firm, you need a Bumiputra partner, or else, audit license will not be granted;

  • There is no transparency in Government awarding infrastructure contracts, resulting in that political cronies without capability and technical background earn mega projects, and, at a later stage, subcontract to Chinese and Indian at much much lower price at very slim margin, and, worse still, these political cronies at most occasions dishonour settlements, leading to backrupcies among the Chinese and Indian.

As a mankind, we admit that there is tendency to safeguard own race's interests. But, should it be to the extent of breaking the rice bowls of others and forcing them to die? We do not resend policies to upbring the Malay community, but we really cannot stand being bullied, exploited, denied of rights to pursue education and career, and, cleansed up!

Yours faithfully,
Singaram, Lawyer

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